These are the settings and commands that kaizo-insta adds to ddnet-insta
Game type (ctf, gctf, ictf, dm, gdm, idm, tdm, gtdm, itdm, lms, ilms, glms, lts, ilts, glts, bomb, ifreeze, gfreeze, hfreeze, ifoot, gfoot, zcatch)sv_plasma_kills
Plasma turret damage for playersv_light_kills
Rotating Laser damage for playersv_ddrace_shotgun
DDrace shotgun (0 = vanilla, 1 = ddrace)sv_force_laser_type
Laser behavior, overriding sv_oldlaser and tunes but no tune zones (0 = default, 1 = ddrace 2 = vanilla)sv_ddrace_hud
Toggle to enable ddrace HUDsv_laser_jump
Create an explosion on first rifle bounce, allowing laser jumps.sv_spawn_pickup_weapons
enable or disable weapons spawning (does not work on instagib)sv_spawn_pickups
enable or disable heart and armor spawning (does not work on instagib)sv_bomb_time
Time in seconds for bomb to explodesv_bomb_amount
1 bomb for each specified amount of players (spawns at least 1 if there is less players)sv_bomb_damage
Enable damage in BOMBsv_bomb_weapon
BOMB weaponsv_freeze_automelt_time
Time until the player respawns automatically when he’s frozensv_freeze_melt_range
Maximum range to melt a playersv_freeze_melt_time
Time (in ms) the player must stand next to a player to melt himsv_freeze_melt_respawn
If a player respawns after he was being meltedsv_ball_respawn
Seconds for ball to go back to ball spawnsv_kzbots
Add KZ Botssv_kzbots_ai
KZ Bots AI (0 = +KZ AI, 1 = Pointer AI)if_gametypes
“s[gametypes] ?s[true result command] ?s[alternate result command]” Run command if running certain gametypes (like if_gametypes ictf,ctf,gctf “sv_scorelimit 1000” “sv_scorelimit 10”)
“s[command1] s[command2] ?s[…]” Run random command from the list given
Make a question (only works on vote)
Chat command to set afk state